Project Description
SE Design and Consulting was contracted by Cold Lake Properties Development Inc. to design a 65.00 Ha. Residential and Commercial subdivision on existing agricultural lands. The area, located in the northwest corner of the City of Cold Lake, was developed following relevant City of Cold Lake planning policies.
The plan was designed to be executed in six phases providing 31.30 Ha. of Low to High density residential land use for a total population of 2,492, with 5.03 Ha. for Neighbourhood Commercial and 1.10 Ha. for Mixed Use, 10.87 Ha was dedicated to Municipal Reserve and 3.28 Ha for Storm Water Management.
SE Design coordinated the geotechnical report and the Historical Resources Impact Assessment (HRIA).
SE Design completed a Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) for the site. The TIA identified that existing conditions are operating at acceptable level of service. In the future, intersections would require improvements as recommended in the report.
The site was serviced utilizing existing municipal connections from the development located to the east to provide Sanitary Sewer and Water Distribution to the plan area. Stormwater Management was designed in accordance with the City of Cold Lake Stormwater Master Plan, which included the design of one pond which drained to an outlet structure that will discharge to the stormwater management ponds in the Northshore Drainage Parkway.
- Area Structure Plan Document
- Public Engagement Open House
- Detailed Design
- Coordination of Historical Resources Impact Assessment
- Coordination of Geotechnical Report
- Coordination of Wetland Assessment and Impact Report
- Coordination of Hydrotechnical Assessment
- Traffic Impact Assessment
- Stormwater Management Design